Ron Luce
Ron has helped over 100,000 churches across North America impact the next generation as they brought their youth to mass events, he hosted over 3 decades with 3 million attendees.
Ron has helped over 100,000 churches across North America impact the next generation as they brought their youth to mass events, he hosted over 3 decades with 3 million attendees. He recently partnered with a global coalition of Christian leaders to present the first over JESUS GLOBAL YOUTH DAY with 50,000 attendees and broadcast to 101,000 host sites around the globe.
While completing his doctoral dissertation, Ron researched churches all over the world that are remarkable and defying all odds reaching and discipling those most likely to come to Christ. He curated the best-practices of these Exponential Churches and is now helping leaders both live and via Ministry Masterclasses adopt these best-practices and help them launch PROJECT 13 to commence their Exponential journey.
Although Ron had been featured on CNN, FOX NEWS, THE NEW YORK TIMES COVER and multiple other media outlets, what he really gets thrilled about is assisting Church leaders make Exponential impact by helping them get a ‘soft-ware update’ in their approach to the next generation.
He has been known to ride his bike long distances, run a marathon or Spartan race now and then, generally wear cloths that were in style 10 years ago.
He loves to prepare succulent meat on the grill, savory Italian dishes for his family, and may or may not enjoy a late night desert that is Keto friendly. Although he has traveled to 80 countries, it cannot be confirmed he has actually swallowed all food he has tasted in various locations.
Ron has been married to Katie for 36 years and they have 3 young adult children and a grand-cat.
He has Written and published 30 different books for parents, youth and church leaders, his latest is Faith at the Speed of Light; Church leaders catching the wave of change.
"I thank God for Teen Mania, Honor Academy and Acquire The Fire Conferences. We’re grateful for all they’ve done, and we’re honored to be friends with Ron and his wife Katie."
"Ron, keep on giving it up for God and doing those things the way no one else has the anointing or courage to do the way that you do them. We honor and respect you."
"It’s remarkable what God has done through Ron over the last 25 years. I believe he has the most significant (in terms of impact) calling of God to youth in America. The team under his leadership has given youth the courage to dream the dreams of God for their lives and to believe that they can actually make a difference in this nation. What a reputation of integrity, humility, a servant’s heart, steadfastness and directing all attention to the Lord!"
"One of the greatest challenges of today is touching our youth. Thank you for the way you use your life to touch tens of thousands of young people. I have seen it with my own eyes! May the Lord give you grace, understanding and wisdom so that you may continue until He returns."
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