Marcus Wick is an itinerant minister known for his prophetic gifting and dynamic teaching style. Recognized as standing in the office of a prophet, Marcus travels and teaches at various locations.
Michael Gullatte is the Founder and President of Michael Gullatte, Sr. Ministries. Before receiving the call to evangelize from sea to shining sea, Michael and his wife, Latarsha, pastored in North Carolina for 17 years.
Pastor Matt Nichols is the Senior Pastor of Soul Harvest Church in Cloverdale, IN, a world-class church with members passionate about helping their community and evangelizing the nations.
Stephen Schlabach is a leadership coach, consultant, and sought-after speaker. He is President and Founder of Stephen Schlabach Ministries and Senior Pastor of Shining Light Church in Sarasota, Florida.
With 20 years experience in corporate communications, professional development and global ministry, Jason is a sought after motivational speaker, Bible teacher, and professional trainer.
Mike Nelson is a former US Marine, a current pastor, an accomplished musician and songwriter, as well as a sought-after speaker and business consultant.
Sean Pinder is a dynamic minister anointed to preach the strong, uncompromised gospel followed by a demonstration of God’s saving, healing and miraculous power.
Prophetic Evangelist Kim Wear is passionate to reveal Christ to the lost. Her mission is to see lives saved for eternity and believers awakened to the need to keep their lamps filled with oil in anticipation of the return of the Bridegroom.
Kevin and his wife Annette founded Ahalt International Ministries in 2004. They also serve together as the overseers of the Latin American arm of Harvest International Ministries Ministerial Affiliation (HIMMA) and as ambassadors to Panama for the International Coalition of Apostolic Leaders (ICAL).