Mike Nelson
Mike Nelson is a former US Marine, a current pastor, an accomplished musician and songwriter, as well as a sought-after speaker and business consultant.
Mike Nelson is a former US Marine, a current pastor, an accomplished musician and songwriter, as well as a sought-after speaker and business consultant. He holds a master’s in education and mathematics from Clemson University. Pastor Mike’s passion is to win souls, prepare people for life, and empower leaders.
With the desire to make a difference in the Spartanburg, South Carolina, community, Pastor Mike began to work each afternoon in the inner city, connecting with children and families in need through sports and events. Souls were saved, and men and women wanted to learn more about this Jesus Pastor Mike talked about. Quickly, a church began to emerge in the inner city.
Just over a decade later, with a handful of people and a vision, Breakthrough Nation Church was born. Its first service was held on Easter 2001 in a former strip club located in Spartanburg. The church was forced to relocate to a garage in Duncan, South Carolina, until a building came available in Roebuck, South Carolina, the following year. In 2007, because of miraculous growth, a new 800-seat sanctuary was built in Spartanburg and the church found its permanent residence.
Breakthrough Nation Church is nothing less than a miracle, and Pastor Mike gives all credit to God for the thousands of souls who have been introduced to Christ through their local ministry.
Pastor Mike’s motto is to: Share the love of Christ at all cost; Provide the tools necessary to help families and marriages succeed; Reach the youth of this generation through any means necessary; and Prepare people for life!
When traveling, Pastor Mike speaks on a variety of topics including effective discipleship, church growth, courageous pastoral leadership, how to truly worship, and the power of faith for breakthrough. In addition, he speaks on sports and business-related topics such as integrity, character, bravery, and decision-making.
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