Marcus Wick
Marcus Wick is an itinerant minister known for his prophetic gifting and dynamic teaching style. Recognized as standing in the office of a prophet, Marcus travels and teaches at various locations.
Marcus Wick is an itinerant minister known for his prophetic gifting and dynamic teaching style. Originally from Ohio, Marcus was born again and baptized in the Holy Spirit as a teenager. He then attended Bible college, met and married Sharon, and launched into his call to ministry.
Recognized as standing in the office of a prophet, Marcus travels and teaches at various Charis Bible College campus locations, churches and conferences across the US and abroad. His passion is to see the five-fold ministry operate in unity in the church for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Marcus loves people. That’s why when he speaks, his goal is to help them learn why they are the way they are and why they do things the way they do. He brings clarity to Bible teachings on topics like speaking in tongues and praying in the Spirit, and he will help you understand biblical truths in a new way, unlocking the flow of the power of the Holy Spirit to affect your everyday life.
Invite Marcus to minister at your upcoming church service, conference or special event by contacting us at 719-373-2123 or by sending an invite to [email protected].
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