Keith Johnson
Keith Johnson is known as one of the premier speakers on the subjects of Christian leadership, confidence building, and strategic planning.
Keith Johnson is known as one of the premier speakers on the subjects of Christian leadership, confidence building, and strategic planning. For the past 16 years, his messages, books, and leadership coaching have helped some of the largest and most prestigious churches in the world to experience spiritual, numerical and financial growth.
Keith’s journey to becoming recognized by other leaders as America’s #1 Confidence Coach did not start out well. He failed kindergarten; and by the time he was in 5th grade, he could barely read and write and almost failed again. His parents divorced and his father became an alcoholic, drug addict, and joined a motorcycle club called Satan’s Escorts. His own father introduced him to drugs at the young age of 13; and by 16, his father taught him how to sell drugs for a living. His mother married an alcoholic who was very abusive to the entire family. Keith experienced a radical encounter with Jesus Christ when he was 22 years of age and he was instantly set free from alcoholism, drugs and a promiscuous lifestyle.
Keith’s biblically based success and leadership principles have now influenced both the church and secular markets. His newest book, The Confidence Solution—Reinvent Yourself, Explode Your Business, Skyrocket Your Income became a best seller by reaching #21 in Amazon’s motivation and business category. He is a frequent television guest appearing on popular shows and stations such as New York’s PIX 11, Fox Business News, The Tom Sullivan Show, CBS, ABC and many others.
He has been recognized by Women’s World Magazine as one of America’s “Ultimate Experts,” which is the most read women’s magazine in the world.
Keith Johnson, PhD, is a dedicated lifelong learner. He earned a Master’s of Christian Leadership and a Doctor of Philosophy in Theology from Christian Life University. He is the founder of Destiny College International, an accredited college specializing in graduate training for pastors and business leaders.
He is a certified speaker, trainer and coach for the John Maxwell team.
Dr. Johnson was jobless at the age of 35, with no money, no perceived opportunities, no influential relationships to help him—and 40 pounds overweight. He had absolutely no confidence for a better future!
Then he discovered the proven biblical strategies for success that changed his life forever. In less than three years he was earning a six-figure income, working for himself, living in the house of his dreams and traveling around the world. Today, he has trained over 147,000 Christian leaders, he travels worldwide in response to invitations and he is the author of five books that share his success secrets.
"Keith Johnson is a certified coach, trainer and speaker for the John Maxwell Team. Confidence in oneself is the cornerstone of leadership. It is difficult for those who do not believe in themselves to have much faith in anyone else. Self-confidence brings confidence in others."
"I am still rejoicing over the sovereign move of God we experienced at our church from Dr. Keith Johnson’s powerful message on confidence building."
"Dr. Keith Johnson’s leadership coaching program has changed my life and ministry. Elim Fellowship is running smother than ever and my church has seen remarkable financial and numerical growth because of the coaching we have received from Dr. Johnson. I would highly recommend that every pastor go through his consulting program. The investment you make will be well worth it!"
"Mornay Johnson beautifully defines and illustrates God’s blueprint for success and prosperity according to the principles of His Word."
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