Faiz Rahman

Faiz Rahman welcomes opportunities to present his ministry to churches nationwide and regularly blesses and challenges congregations to step into the unique callings upon their lives.


Faiz Rahman was born and raised in a Muslim home in Calcutta, India. As a youth, he found the joy of salvation in Jesus Christ, and his life was forever changed. He attended Bethany University, The Assemblies of God Theological Seminary and Midwestern Theological Seminary, completing his Doctorate in Ministry.

He returned to Calcutta, India, to work under Dr. Mark Buntain, directing eleven village schools and performing youth outreach, music ministry and extensive evangelism. His preaching ministry has taken him to many countries of the world including Dr. Yonggi Cho’s in Seoul, Korea.

In addition to his extensive missions work in India, Dr. Rahman organized and instituted the Christian Education Foundation – a non-profit organization that sponsors and trains Bible College Students for full time ministry in 23 countries around the world. He served as its Overseas Director for three years. He also served as the President/Academic Dean of Phoenix First Pastors College under the leadership of Pastor Tommy Barnett and Phoenix First Assembly of God Church in Arizona.

Presently, Dr. and Mrs. Rahman oversee Good News India, an outreach to the destitute children of Southern Asia through which they operate 25 centers in North India and feed, house, educate and teach the Word of God to nearly 2,500 children! Their participants include a remote tribe who has been, until now, a violent, marauding, primitive tribal group. This past year, they built a school and began educating and pouring the Gospel into more than 350 of this tribe’s children. Dr. Rahman has also set up Dream

Centers dedicated to the rescue of “High-Risk” girls ages 6-15 near the Nepal border who were in danger of being sold into brothels. As a result, these girls now have a hope and a future. They have saved nearly 100 girls from being trafficked into the sex markets of India!

Good News India also operates a large Leper Colony with 50 adults and their 85 children. Very few ministries are reaching out in a concerted and strategic effort to minister to the many hundreds of lepers that live a miserable existence in Orissa and West Bengal. Good News India feeds, clothes and medicates about 350 lepers in 4 different centers.

Dr. Rahman, through his various ministries, is able to rescue a child from bonded slavery for just $30 per month. Out of this Children’s work, new churches are being planted and pastors appointed to build the work of God on an ongoing basis. In spite of much hostility and resistance, the work is pressing on for Jesus. Dr. Rahman also conducts Youth Conventions twice a year in strategic areas of North India that has seen tremendous results thus far.

Dr. Rahman comes as a Pastor/Teacher with a heart for revival and renewal among the people of God. He brings together a rich blend of academic accomplishment and practical ministry to speak a relevant word to our generation. His heart continually beats in a great commitment to the Ten Commandments and the Great Commission. He welcomes opportunities to present his ministry to churches nationwide and regularly blesses and challenges congregations to step into the unique callings upon their lives.

"Dr. Rahman has done an unbelievable work in India including establishing 25 orphanages. He is a man of integrity with a heart to win souls for Christ and reach out to hurting people. I heartily recommend this wonderful man of God as a Missions speaker or for a Missionary Convention"

Tommy Barnett Phoenix First

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