Dale Everett
For 22 years, Dale Everett has been sharing the Gospel, traveling both nationally and internationally so that men and women everywhere can have an authentic – and transforming – encounter with God.
For 22 years, Dale Everett has been sharing the Gospel, traveling both nationally and internationally so that men and women everywhere can have an authentic – and transforming – encounter with God. As Dale has been faithful to minister, Jesus has been faithful to accompany His Word with signs following. Services are marked with mass healings – blind eyes are opened, deaf ears hear, and wheelchairs empty as faith rises to new heights for those in attendance. Many citizens are added to the kingdom and baptized in the Holy Ghost as a result of this experience!
In the USA, Dale is invited to hold many Sunday through Wednesday revivals, many of which are extended beyond the three days as God’s presence permeates the congregation. Crowds fill the buildings nightly as onlookers witness the Lord saving, healing and baptizing many in the Holy Spirit. The best part of each event is the precious life-change taking place at the altar as those who have been touched by God respond.
As an international evangelist, Dale participates in an open-air crusades and special outreaches. in Burundi he ministered to over 200,000 in a week’s time! Thousands come to Christ, great miracles of divine healing taking place, people experiencing freedom from demonic oppression, and believers baptized in the Holy Spirit. After the crusade had ended, Dale received reports of a huge increase in disciples as many were water baptized and added to the church.
Dale became a Senior Pastor in 1993. In 2003, he and his wife Debbie were asked by Evangelist R.W. Schambach to plant a church in Tyler, TX, on the property of Schambach Miracle Revivals. This church has grown into a strong, full gospel center where God’s power is experienced.
Dale’s broad experience as an evangelist, Senior Pastor and church planter give him a balanced perspective on ministry. A wealth of information, he is honored to pour into yout church staff or share with you practical ideas for growing the church by reaching the local community.
"Dale Everett is a minister of integrity and courage. His confession for righteousness is strong, and he will be a blessing to your congregation."
"Pastor Dale is a seasoned, gifted communicator of the truth, and he as proven track record of ministry with results; truly, the signs to follow his ministry."
"I find Pastor Dale to be a man of integrity, dignity, and in tune with the Holy Spirit. We witnessed many miraculous healings over several special events with Jesus getting all the glory. We also heard anointed, faith-filled sermons. I recommend Pastor Dale with absolutely no reservations and am honored to do so!"
"Dale Everett is a man sent from God, and I would not hesitate to recommend his ministry to anyone. He is a teacher, an encourager, an evangelist with a passion to reach out to souls and to do the work of the kingdom. He has obeyed the voice of God and THE LORD has backed up his ministry with signs and wonders."
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