Bill Wilson

Pastor Bill Wilson is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Metro World Child, The World’s Largest Sunday school and an international Christian humanitarian organization with headquarters in Brooklyn, NY.
Missions, Outreach, Youth


Pastor Bill Wilson is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Metro World Child, The World’s Largest Sunday school and an international Christian humanitarian organization with headquarters in Brooklyn, NY. Pastor Bill’s principle that, “It’s easier to build boys and girls than to repair men and women” is the foundation for the successful, relationship-centered pattern that is currently recognized as one of the Top 10 Influential Missions Organizations in the world today. Metro World Child is best known for reaching over 70,000 inner city children and their families every week in New York City and around the world.

Pastor Bill Wilson is recognized as one of the great Bible expositors of our time and is in constant demand as a conference and leadership speaker, invited to motivate, encourage and challenge people to see beyond themselves and allow the needs of the world to not just stir them, but rather move them to action. Speaking at local churches and leadership seminars around the world, he does just that. Pastor Bill has written multiple books and filmed reality-driven DVD’s on the streets of New York. He has also been featured in a European documentary titled “The Legend of Bill Wilson” that shows the life and ministry of a man that has seen thousands of lives changed. Pastor Bill and the staff of Metro Ministries have also developed a curriculum that is tested and proven in the hardcore, inner city culture of New York and yet used by suburban churches around the world. It has been translated into four major languages and utilized in hundreds of cities worldwide.

Pastor Bill’s influence has not stopped in the local community of Brooklyn. Throughout his travels around the world, Pastor Bill has witnessed cities, villages, townships and homes filled with darkness. Places where abuse, violence, poverty and hardship are common factors of societies that are crippled and corrupt. Through the slums of India, into the tent cities of Haiti, to the townships of Africa and the garbage dumps of Manila, Pastor Bill has been an eyewitness to the darkness in the world. Believing that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness, Pastor Bill has duplicated himself and the principles of Metro and allowed his personal example as an enduring pioneer foster commitment and devotion from over 180 staff and 400 volunteers, providing over 70,000 home visits worldwide to children and families each week. This individual attention allows targeted humanitarian relief, which includes clothing, food and mentoring to youth who are so desperate for direction in their lives. Most importantly, Metro World Child brings the Gospel to places where most people don’t even think of going; It brings light to the darkness. “Acting locally, impacting globally”.

"Truly a leader, Bill is not only a worker but an outstanding motivator, not only a thinker but a great communicator with the rare ability and God-given anointing to stir people up with life-changing affects. As you learn from Bill’s pioneering and compassionate heart, your own heart will be taken hold of, squeezed and wrung out. And just when you feel you’ve had enough, it will be squeezed some more. He is s man who I unhesitatingly classify as a genius in Christian leadership today."

Tommy Barnett Pastor, 1st Assembly of God, Phoenix, AZ

"Pastor Bill is the real thing! His compassion for people and his ability to communicate that compassion motivates everyone listening. Each time we have had him come to our church, hearts are moved to do something. Some are moved to turn to Jesus with all their hearts. Other are moved to make a difference in the world around them. The main thing is Pastor Bill moves people to love God more passionately and love people the way Jesus loves every person."

Pastor Sharon Daugherty Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, OK

"From the first moment I met Bill Wilson, I said he is one of those rare people who fulfill and extend Hebrews 11. In other words, if the writer of Hebrews knew Bill Wilson, he would have added him to the historic list: Noah, Abraham, Moses and those who were pioneers in their own day and not following precedents. That’s the Bill Wilson I know and recommend. Caution: you may be required to go outside your comfort zone."

RT Kendall

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