Abe Huber
a gifted speaker and authority on the subject of church growth and cell ministry. His verifiable history of transitioning home groups into multi-celled churches has caused ministries worldwide to take note.
Pastor Abe Huber is a gifted speaker and authority on the subject of church growth and cell ministry. His verifiable history of transitioning home groups into multi-celled churches has caused ministries worldwide to take note.
Pastor Abe serves as the leader of PAZ (Project AmaZon), spiritual leader of Santarem PAZ Church (which has grown to 62,000 members and over 7,000 cell groups) and its 420 church plants, and is now the Senior Pastor of Fortaleza PAZ Church in Brazil. In just six years, this church has grown from just 20 families to over 6,000 members and 700 home groups!
He has also written books such as One-On-One Discipleship, Membership Covenant, The Barnabas Factor, and The Mash Potato Strategy. He has also co-authored Your Church in Cells with Sabba Liberal and Go and Make Disciples and Cell Leaders’ Training with Ivanildo Gomes.
In 1999, Pastor Abe was inspired to create the ADM: Apostolic Discipleship Model, which is a combination of committed pastoral care and church growth through home cell groups and one-on-one discipleship. With ADM, each member of the church is encouraged to meet with his discipler every week, and so there takes place a real mentoring and accountability within the body. Similarly, each church member is encouraged to participate in his cell group, where he can worship, share, study, pray and evangelize with other believers in an intimate setting—that is, the home. In this way, the church—even with 62,000 members, as Pastor Abe’s church has—is able to provide good pastoral care for the entire body, consistent with the church model described in the book of Acts.
The core of Pastor Abe’s message is so simple: return to the Christian lifestyle experienced by the Early Church as seen in the book of Acts and the Epistles. Win the multitudes for Jesus and have great care for everyone. The ADM motto states “All the world discipled, every disciple a committed leader.”
A thoughtful coach, Pastor Abe provides counseling and mentoring to dozens of pastors and leaders throughout Brazil, both in affiliation with his outreaches and from other denominations, and he has conducted small group, church growth and discipleship seminars throughout the world. Pastor Abe loves to help equip pastors and churches who are making the cell church/disciple transition or planting cell-based churches.
"It’s wonderful to write books on discipleship and pastoral care, but far beyond this Pastor Abe applies every principle that he teaches to his personal, familiar and ministerial life."
"Before implementing his particular strategy, Pastor Abe studied the largest worldwide cell churches and decided on the best fit for his particular situation. His church has now grown to some 60,000 people and everyone is in a cell. The fruit and growth of pastor Abe’s church is causing pastors around the world to pay attention and consider the cell strategy."
"As God revealed to Pastor Abe the secret of growing the body of Christ by forming “MDA’s” within cell groups, he has advanced us one more step toward forming the Last Days Church. The passion and commitment of believers in the church he planted in Santarem is unique in the world. I consider Pastor Abe to be among the outstanding Cell Church pastors in the world today."
"Abe is an incredible man of God who exudes love, passion and faith in his walk with the Lord. He has a very powerful, spirit-filled word, full of Biblical insights which are foundational for successful church growth. This anointing has influenced leaders around the globe."
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