Aaron & Emily House

Aaron House is the Founder and Executive Director of Piercing Word, a group of theatre professionals who are passionate about coming alongside Christian Leaders to help them engage their people with the Word of God.
Music, Outreach


Aaron House is the Founder and Executive Director of Piercing Word. Although originally from Houston, TX, he currently lives in Lancaster, PA with his lovely wife, Emily House, and their children, Caleb and Aria. Before taking Piercing Word full time in January of 2013, he was a full-time professional actor at Sight and Sound Theatres in Lancaster, PA for 3 years and in the Branson, MO location for 2 years. He has a BA in Musical Theatre from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas and has been performing professionally since he was ten years old. He was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, TX in November 2013, and has a deep passion for Jesus Christ and for the Word of God, and he desires to use his performance abilities for the glory of God alone.

Emily House has been involved with Piercing Word since 2011. She is a graduate of Elim Bible Institute and former Assistant Director of Drama Ministry – a mime team focused on discipling youth. Emily loves working alongside her husband in the ministry and this has been another wonderful opportunity for her to combine her love for acting and heart for discipleship to glorify the Lord! Aaron and Emily have been blessed with two children, Caleb and Aria Joy. Aaron & Emily live in Akron, PA and are members of Dove Westgate Church in Ephrata.

Piercing Word is a group of theatre professionals who are passionate about coming alongside Christian Leaders to help them engage their people with the Word of God. We do this by performing Scripture in dramatic and musical presentations that are word-for-word from the ESV Bible and providing resources on how to better memorize and study the Bible. Piercing Word is a full-time, non-profit theatre ministry based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and most of our ministry takes place within a two-hour radius of Lancaster, with occasional regional tours of the United States. We perform for churches, conferences, colleges, and special events as well as retirement communities, homeless shelters, and more! Contact our team to see what Scripture Performances we have available that could complement your service or event today!

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