Media Buys

Media Buys

Of course you could learn to plan your own media buys! The question is: do you have the time? We know how to strategize like we know the back of our own hands! Whether you’re looking domestically or internationally, we have what it takes to make you successful. Our team’s primary goal, from consultation to negotiation, is to maximize your exposure using appropriate forms of media and generate the response you want. We’ve got TV connections – TBN, Daystar, TCT, CTN, JBN, ABN (and all the other BN’s!), not to mention ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW, and practically every cable network in every top demographic in the States.


Radio? We’ve got that, too. In fact, we’ve got an incredible relationship with Salem Broadcasting Network, the largest Christian radio network in the US.


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on February 3 • by